Valana Minerals™ is committed to using only pure, natural ingredients. You will not find ingredients that are likely to cause irritation (even if they are natural) in our products. People with rosacea, vitiligo, or acne can safely use our products. Common skin irritants are bismuth, talc and any number of harsh preservatives, none of which are used in Valana Minerals™, nor do we use artificial fillers. Many dermatologists and other skin care professionals recommend mineral foundation for people with a range of skin conditions including acne, rosacea, sensitive skin, dry skin and oily skin.

Many women find themselves caught in a costly cosmetic trap. We buy cosmetics that are full of chemicals, dyes and irritants. The cosmetics cause our skin to break out because of their poor quality. We continue to use the products that caused our problem and we go back to the same companies to buy more products for our ‘break outs.’ Our dry skin signals our bodies to produce more oil (like it’s supposed to, naturally). The excess oil leads us to use more of the same damaging products. This cycle can go on for years.

There is no 100% guarantee as with any product. However, less is more in this case and the more natural and pure your makeup is, the less likely you are to have breakouts or experience an allergic reaction. One of the primary ingredients in our foundation is Zinc Oxide, which addresses inflammation and offers drug free sun protection (as does Titanium dioxide). With our products, you will get excellent coverage and the natural soothing properties of Zinc.

It’s pure, natural and the ingredient list is simple. If you sleep in it you won’t wake up with a face full of blemishes. In general, you should also check for skin sensitivity. I don’t suggest sleeping in the foundation or eye colors. Remember that the skin around the eyes is very delicate. However, in my opinion (this is just my preference), I prefer to go to bed with a clean face. I don’t want my minerals all over my pillow in the morning. I prefer to wash and moisturize my face before bed. Then in the morning, I mineralize my face. You can sleep in it but personally, I don’t want to. If you want to sleep in it that’s wonderful and I will be happy to provide you with all the minerals you need for daytime and night use.

Yes, Valana Minerals™ are affordable. I suggest that you read the ingredients; compare the cost, color variety and our customer service to other brands. Keep in mind that the colors are concentrated and they last.

Consider this, try adding up the cost of all the makeup that has damaged your skin and all the products you bought to treat your skin that was damaged by the other products you bought. Then add up the cost of the products of that didn’t match your skin tone or looked great when you left for work but made you look like a red beet by lunch. Don’t forget the dermatologist visits. Of course, you can’t put a price on a body full of toxins because your skin absorbs some of what you rub into it. There is a financial cost and a cost to your health and well being, which can be expensive.

Given the pure, natural, superior quality of our ingredients, our diverse color selection and versatility, you won’t ask, “can I afford to use these products?” However, you will wonder, “can I afford not to?”

Our formulations are not like any other mineral makeup product available today. Ingredients such as talc and bismuth may make your dry skin appear damaged and may also draw moisture out of the skin. The pure ingredients we offer will help your skin maintain moisture balance. Feel free to use your favorite natural moisturizer before applying your foundation powder. However, additional moisturizer is not needed when using Premium Performance Cream Foundation.